Sunday, July 28, 2002

I went to a open-mic night at a coffee house in SF last night. My friend from worked bombed. But the guy who ran the show, was talking to me outside, and told me that I was really funny. Just in conversation. Either it was a pick-up thing(which I doubt because he was very obviously involved with his partner that co-ran the show), or he was serious. Or, he's not a very good judge of hilarity. (Please don't worry about the last statement, that's just my humbleness bubbling up from underneath)

Also, I've gotten a lot better at not putting up with bullshit from people just because I like them. I finally stood my ground. It didn't have the exact effect that I had hoped, but I had to try it out. And while part of me is hurt and pissed, the other is proud and happy. The first side came out tonight, when I went to see Goldmember by myself at the 11:55 showing. Then, while watching the movie and laughing my ass off, I realized that another part of me was really reallyhappy that I was actually in a movie theater at 1:00am and it was a regularly scheduled showing! I know I'm a dork for going to see movies by myself, but I just don't know anyone that really likes to see movies in the theater as much as I do. (Okay, again, I must concede that there might be one person). I just hope I didn't irrepreably damage a perfectly good start to a perfectly good friendship... or that immaturity will pass(yeah right) and we can get passed this. I've never been comfortable with bootie calls, and that's what I feel like this is.

I do however feel comfortable going with complete strangers to a completely strange bar (which I probably will be frequenting - The Abbey Tavern), in a completely strange town, and getting down to the funky beat. And then relying on the big strong Irish fellow that bought me drinks whenever an unwarranted advance took place. Oh how I love strong men. Of course, he was married and his wife was there too, but she and I hit it off, and was more than willing to allow her man to stand up for me. In the end, I met some really cool people that I will be having dinner with later this coming week. Oh yes, I come off as very tom-boyish, but trust me, I am the biggest wimp known to man(others can attest). As you can see by my last post, I can't handle spiders of all things.

Lastly, Sex and the City rules!


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