Saturday, June 22, 2002

Okay. Here it is, 3:30 am, and I'm watching VH1 Top 20 countdown, and I see the Dave Matthews Band video for Where Are You Going.

#1. That is an amazingly beautiful song

#2. I'm on a mailing list for DMB (link can be found at and a couple of days ago, someone posted about the video, saying that it wasn't one of their better ones, and they didn't really get it. Okay, I can see how at first glance, the video didn't make much sense. It had a few well placed clips from "Mr. Deeds" the new Adam Sandler movie, but overall not a very enticing bit of music video. On second glance, I noticed how much in common this video had with the other most recent video, "Everyday". Think on this for just a second. In the video for WAYG, a blue screen shot of Dave starts in what can only be assumed is Southern California. The scenes move across the country with interspersed band members playing along. There are some creative segues into clips, shown on billboards and tv screens. All throughout, there are colored lines running across the screen, resembling the colors and turns of the New York Subway System. And, the boys end up in NYC (much like Mr. Deeds), where the colored lines actually turn into a subway map.

Is this video suggesting that all parts of the country are represented in NYC? Is it suggesting that no matter where we are, or who we are, we are all a part of this crisscross network of connections? That the "everyday" man has a chance at the big time(see:Mr. Deeds)?

I don't know, but I don't, no, I can't believe that this was a crappy video in any way. It was poignant. If you can't see that, well, that's your problem, but I won't hold it against you.

-as an afterthought, the DMB video was #16. "No Such Thing" by John Mayer was #15. Go figure. (or as a good friend would say, it won't last, he's a one hit wonder)


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