Saturday, March 16, 2002

Saturday, in the park, it definitely wasn't the fourth of July.

And I'm not at the park. I am experiencing global warming though. Santa Barbara is so windy and cold right now (yes, I know its march and almost spring, but what was up with the eighty degree weather in February?)... that Traders was packed all day. I had customer after customer with full carts. We have eight registers, the last two usually are only open at around five in the afternoon. Today, they were open the entire day. There weren't any carts left at ten. Two good things about today, got to work with Michael and Esthyr, and I got to work the box for two hours. I'm talking about the dairy box. Usually they only have guys doing it, but I said something the other day to one of the managers, and they scheduled me to do it today! They even told me that I had done a good job! The rotation was so messed up because of the Milk Maids, and I worked that over really fast.

Otherwise, today has sucked royally.


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