Life is too short to wonder.
Ask your questions now.
Tell them your answers now.
Don't wait until someone holds you up at gunpoint.
Coral Dolphin
What?! You were looking for interesting content? Well, you came to the wrong site buster. Everything here has everything to do with me, and I am, as you can see, a very uninteresting human.
Monday, July 28, 2003
Friday, July 25, 2003
A Billy Joel song comes to mind...
And so it goes.
Successful date #1 down. He even asked me-before the night was over- if I would like to hang out again. Its almost as if the role reversal that was happening all night reversed itself.
Date #2 is Saturday.
Date #1 with guy #2 is next week.
Hey, a girl has got to keep her options open.