Saturday, October 05, 2002

I was at the drug store the other day and there was an old lady there, although I wouldn't call her much of a lady, and she was spouting off about how terrible our world has become, and how in "her generation" people were so much more responsible. How all the young people have messed things up.
Now, its not really all that usual for me to butt in to someone else's conversation, especially if it was a stranger, but this time, I was kinda peeved. The last song that I heard in the car before getting out was "Raven", so I walked up to this woman and said "excuse me 'mam, but its going to take a lifetime to undo what you and "your generation" have done to this world. Maybe two."
I really love it when people say "well I never...".
You never what? Have thought about it before? Gimme a friggin break.
I continued on to say that there are a lot of people who have never bounced a check (I eavesdropped for a while before I spoke up. kinda like a real-world lurker) that are a lot younger than she is. And that there are people out there who are still paying medical premiums and taxes to the government that probably pay for a lot that she as a retired person enjoys. Yeah sure there are lots of people out there who get things for free, but I like to think that they put something in the circle of life to get those free things. So if you've never collected, you must not have put enough in.

"Well I never!"


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