Friday, May 10, 2002

I'm getting really tired of some of the dreams I've been having lately. I work too damn much.

All of my dreams as of late have had one or more of the following in them:

someone I work with at Trader Joe's
a post-apocalyptic world
Japanese Military
Isla Vista (college town I used to live in)
some sort of struggle or fight
me trying to be the hero (and I always wake up before I actually become a hero)
Movie scenes inserted where needed
A really big plush banana about six feet tall

I think the real reason why they bug me so much is because pretty much every one of them is set in a post-apocalyptic world, and yet all my close friends have made it through. I know that's not going to happen if there is an apocalypse. I hope I'm still around to be the hero that I dream I am. Right...

Listening to - Where Are You Going - DMB - courtesy of Nathan Spindel


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