Tuesday, February 05, 2002

As my good friend Joe would say... "its been a long time"

Life certainly throws us curve balls every once in a while, one being the man of my dreams. The other that he'll never be anything more than a friend. Well, I won't say never, because one should never say never, but its highly unlikely, so whatever is closest to never, without it actually being never.

Gonna move to Seattle (or more likely Bellvue/Kirkland) in July. The 'rents aren't too pleased with this, but hey, I've got to grow up sometime, don't I? I can't do anymore growing in this little bubble that is Santa Barbara. I'll be 23, making money on my own, and then I want to get down to business and start working on my music. Maybe do a little writing at my cabin too. But yeah. Nothing doing here.


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